Monday, October 09, 2006

Resignation = Promotion

:: by Eric ::

How true!

For some unfortunate people (which is actually represented by a vast majority of the workforce available, in other words - you & me), it is not until some drastic measures are demonstrated that our employer would realize that they have actually been (long) taking our contribution to their organization for granted..

I tendered my resignation letter to the human resource on the 15th of September, reason:
  1. Too much work for too little money
  2. Too much high-leveled commitment required for a low position
  3. Chaotic back-end processes (I guess it is the same elsewhere.. haha..)
HR came back to me a couple of days back (around 4th Oct) with the following letter..

The promotion & the increase in $$ did satisfy me, it matched the offers from other prospective employers as well. After praying bout it, puttin' in some thought, & discussing with Jessy, etc.. I have decided to stay for at least a while more until it is really due time for me to leave.

Actually, my bosses are great people, they have taught me a great deal of things since my first day of work. I've always looked up to them, they are my big know-it-all-brothers. It is just that the work load has been increasing ever since I joined.. and now, (not counting my bosses) I am actually the only person left (& surviving) in my sub-department (Product Pricing & Development).

Nevertheless, I thank God for giving clear directions in my life, I will seize every opportunity to fulfill my calling as an obedient Christian..


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